News & Dates
Trade fair calendar
We are continuously represented at national and international trade fairs.
We hope to be able to welcome numerous interested parties and customers and also to make more international contacts.
The path we have been consistently following for years, to rely on high-quality products that are approved by the building authorities, is not only being honoured by the specialised trade, but also by architects/staticians and fabricators. This trend towards quality is also becoming apparent abroad in markets that are still being developed.
We look forward to constructive discussions and a variety of suggestions !
Current information
Our values such as transparency and respect have always remained the same since the company was founded. You can find out what has changed here.
Messe Bau 2025
Als langjähriger Aussteller konnten wir uns bei der BAU vom 13. – 17 Januar 2025 einem internationalen Publikum präsentieren. Wir bedanken uns bei allen Besuchern unseres Messestandes für die freundlichen, konstruktiven und informativen Gespräche. Weitere Informationen zur Messe finden Sie unter
SHI-Siegel für BEVER-Produkte
Unsere Luftschicht- sowie die Mauer- und Anschlussanker sind von dem anerkannten Sentinel Holding Institut zertifiziert worden. Weitere Informationen sowie die Produktpässe finden Sie unter:
PB – Einschlagverbinder | Jetzt mit Bauartgenehmigung
Zum Einschlagen in Porenbeton. Geeignet bei der Verwendung von großformatigen Porenbetonsteinen, bei denen die Fugenanordnung keine herkömmlichen Mauerverbinder zuläßt. Aus Edelstahl Werkst.Nr. 1.4301 PB – Einschlagverbinder: Hier finden Sie die Bauartgenehmigung:
BEVER apprenticeship - On the way and at the goal
Unseren Azubis eine qualifizierte Ausbildung zu ermöglichen, sehen wir nicht nur als unsere Verpflichtung an, sondern wir tun dies gerne mit großem Engagement. Der aktuelle hohe Ausbildungsgrad von ca. 10% bestätigt uns in unserer Philosophie. Elija Heinemann (Auszubildender Maschinen- und Anlagenführer) Lukas Schneider (Auszubildender Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik) Miguel Lauer (Auszubildender Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik) Seyyid Bolatli (Auszubildender Industriekaufmann) Herr Lukas
Like a phoenix from the ashes
Kirchhundem / Oberammergau in February 2023 After a long absence from training and competitions due to illness, Melina Schöttes from the Oberhundem Ski Club was once again able to climb the podium. At the traditional König-Ludwig-Lauf in Oberammergau, she completed the 43 kilometres in almost exactly 2 hours and thus achieved 2nd place in the race, 2nd place in the overall standings of the international Worldloppet race and thus silver for her Oberhundem team.
A cooperation that pays off! | May 2022
Environmental and climate protection is close to our hearts. Last year, we were able to save 6,798 kilograms of harmful greenhouse gases and 56,365 kilograms of valuable raw material resources. In cooperation with the Cologne-based company Interseroh, we give our packaging a second chance. Expert recycling and professional processing of the recyclable materials helps to protect the climate and the environment.
Melina Schöttes | Comeback 2022
We have been supporting regional sports clubs and athletes for a long time. Melina Schöttes from the Oberhundem ski club is one of them. A promising winter season 21/22 was unfortunately ruined this time by health setbacks. Even before Christmas last year, training was out of the question. Now Melina's full attention is focused on the upcoming summer season and the qualification for the roller ski world cup as well as a successful
Opening of the 3-D House | BEVER takes care of the "inner" values
Kirchhundem / Beckum / August 2021 As a project partner of PERI GmbH, we were able to visit the first 3D-printed house in Germany in August. "It is exciting to see what has happened here since the "basic impression" in September 2020. Unfortunately, you can no longer see our anchors, but what is certain is that we have taken care of the inner values to some extent," says Klemens Grawe, the
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We will be happy to help you.
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