

Your individual solution

Only personal advice is precise advice. Because every building project, every problem and every customer is characterised by its own requirements. An important part of BEVER's services is therefore to advise our partners individually and intensively. Whether in the planning or implementation phase, we support you with our know-how and work with you to find the optimal solution for your specific needs.

Our wide range of competences and our high quality of service are among the many reasons why our partners have trusted us for many years. Just like our flexibility: we adapt our support precisely to the respective topic and project as well as the associated building regulations. This always ensures that you benefit to the maximum from our advice. If necessary, we also develop customised products that are precisely adapted to your specific requirements.

What distinguishes our advice

Finding the right cavity wall tie

You are not sure which cavity wall tie fits your project? Get your answer with just a few clicks.

Benefit from our expertise

For us, partnership also means sharing our expertise. Here you will find exciting insights and interesting professional articles.

SHI-Siegel für BEVER-Produkte

Unsere Luftschicht- sowie die Mauer- und Anschlussanker sind von dem anerkannten  Sentinel Holding Institut zertifiziert worden. Weitere Informationen sowie die Produktpässe finden Sie unter:

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