

Provide and pass on know-how

As an experienced and market-strong company in the field of fastening technology, we provide our partners with comprehensive specialist knowledge and versatile expertise. In doing so, we focus on knowledge transfer instead of silo thinking: we want to share our know-how and support you, for example, with technical articles, training courses and more.

SHI-Siegel für BEVER-Produkte

Unsere Luftschicht- sowie die Mauer- und Anschlussanker sind von dem anerkannten  Sentinel Holding Institut zertifiziert worden. Weitere Informationen sowie die Produktpässe finden Sie unter:

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Fastener Fair 2019

The 8th International Trade Fair for Joining and Fastening Technology has ended successfully. 987 exhibitors from 45 countries presented themselves to the interested public in Stuttgart. We thank

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BAU 2019

This year, BAU in Munich once again proved itself to be the leading trade fair. With 200,000 m² of exhibition space, 2250 exhibitors and 250,000 visitors, once again

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SHI-Siegel für BEVER-Produkte

Unsere Luftschicht- sowie die Mauer- und Anschlussanker sind von dem anerkannten  Sentinel Holding Institut zertifiziert worden. Weitere Informationen sowie die Produktpässe finden Sie unter:

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Fastener Fair 2019

The 8th International Trade Fair for Joining and Fastening Technology has ended successfully. 987 exhibitors from 45 countries presented themselves to the interested public in Stuttgart. We thank

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BAU 2019

This year, BAU in Munich once again proved itself to be the leading trade fair. With 200,000 m² of exhibition space, 2250 exhibitors and 250,000 visitors, once again

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